In a jaw-dropping decision, Kate Middleton and Prince William have announced their plans to move out of the palace with their children. The royal couple’s surprising...
If you’re jobless and fluent in Welsh, great news: Kate Middleton and Prince William just might be looking for you. The royal couple is currently seeking...
King Charles is set to replace his 15-year-old helicopters this year as income from the Crown Estates soared to £1.1 billion last year. Annual accounts have...
Prince George, the 10-year-old eldest son of Prince William and Kate Middleton, is set to undergo a significant royal protocol change next year when he turns...
Prince William admits that he obeyed ‘like a puppy’ when glamorous pop star Taylor Swift ordered him on stage for an impromptu performance. Via I can’t...
The royal family has received flak over Prince George’s outfit during his appearance with his dad Prince William at the Euro final in Germany on Sunday....